All our new systems are entirely unrelated to our legacy system within our main website. Unless you have registered on, you don't have an account.
To access most of our services, you'll need a UWCS Account. You can register for a UWCS Account if you're currently enrolled at uni (as either staff or student), are an ex-exec, or are otherwise a member of our community that wishes to access our services.
The same account is also used to access our shell account server via LDAP, and to authenticate to all our other services via OAuth.
To register, head to, click sign in in the top right, and sign in with your Warwick ITS account. It will prompt you with your details: feel free to change your username or anything else. It will then prompt you for a password, set this to whatever you want, ideally different from your ITS password.
When you sign into any of our web apps, you can either sign in with your ITS account, or with your UWCS username and password. When signing in to our shell servers or anything else that authenticates directly via LDAP, then you can only sign in with the username and password.
How this works is documented at Warwick SSO - the missing manual
TL;DR: you can't
If you're an ex-exec and want an account, get in touch with us and we will create one for you.
You can manage your account details from the accounts portal, including updating your details, changing your password, and seeing what applications you have authorised to access your account. You can also link/unlink your Warwick ITS account from this portal.